Peer Mediation
Peer Mediation at St Peter's School
In September, all of our Year 5 children were trained as Peer Mediators to join our Year 6 children who were trained last year! They participated in 2 days of training by the wonderful team at the Resolution Centre. The Peer Mediators will take it in turns throughout the year to fulfil their roles by supporting other children with conflict and help them to come up with solutions to their problems out and about during play and lunchtimes and can be spotted very clearly by the other children because they wear Hi-Vis jackets! They take their roles seriously, having regular supervision from Mrs Powell, our Mediation Lead. They work in teams and are on rota system which ensures their skills and knowledge stay up to date.
Peer Mediation is helping to reduce conflicts on the playground. The Peer Mediators are following their training and the impact has been very noticable. Positive feedback has been given by pupils and staff and about their experience of Peer Mediation. Here are some of their comments!
“I see myself as a better person, peer medication has helped me to sort problems with friends and family too.”
“I think we have increasing empathy, trust, tolerance, respect, and fairness when we are completing a mediation.”
“Teachers don’t spend as much time out of class resolving playground issues.”
“Football used to cause big problems in the playground – we don’t have many problems now.”
“We understand the importance of using correct language with the younger children – are they fighting or disagreeing!”
“We are better listeners too!”
To find out more about The Resolution Centre and their Peer Mediation in Schools scheme, please visit: