School Council
At St Peter’s School, we want every pupil to feel they have a voice which is heard and valued. Our ‘School Council’ is made up of children from across the school in Years 2 to 6. Mrs McDermott assists the children to run the meetings effectively.
At the beginning of the new academic year, children discuss the responsibilities and qualities they think would be important in our school council. Children are voted on to the council by their peers, then two representatives from each class are chosen. These children attend meetings to discuss relevant matters of interest concerning school organisation and development. The School Council is actively involved in decision making within the school and will conduct surveys to gather views and opinions from their peers.
Each class has Class Council meetings which allow children to discuss issues about which they are concerned. These suggestions are brought to the School Council meetings for discussion. There is also a 'suggestions and ideas' box to which all children have access. Suggestions are read and discussed by the School Council during their meetings. A response will be made by the School Council either personally or during one of our school assemblies. They also have a noticeboard where they keep the school up to date with news and events.
School Council discuss and help to organise fundraising events. They make suggestions about assemblies, and discuss many important matters which include behaviour around the school, the playground, lessons, money matters, reward systems, the library, sun safety and the environment.
The meetings are run by the elected chairperson and the vice chairperson. The secretary and treasurer also play important roles as they record the minutes and keep a log of any “wishes” children have which require funds.
All class representatives have opportunities to speak and be listened to. children's views inour younger years are regularly sought. We value all comments and think about how we can make improvements in and around our school and community.
The aim of the School Council is to develop an awareness of citizenship and involve all our children in helping to improve our school.